IRON MAIDEN - Milano, 02/12/2006 e 03/12/2006

Una sola parola: [b]INCREDIBILE!!!11

[/b]Gli Iron Maiden penso di averli visti tante volte in vita mia (questa era la undicesima), ma penso anche di non averli MAI e dico MAI sentiti suonare così bene. Tecnicamente parlando, in assoluto il loro show migliore tra quelli che ho visto. Se non ci tirano fuori un live-album sono pazzi.

E domani 03 dicembre si replica, sempre a Milano… se sparano un altro concerto come quello di oggi è la volta che torno a casa piangendo sangue come la Madonna di Medjugorie!!

Giusto per rendere l’idea… tratto dal tour-diary del manager dei Maiden, Rod Smallwood:

The hall was already packed and getting loud when Lauren went on and both she and Trivium had terrific gigs. From these early reactions l could feel it was going to be another special night and boy was l right. Half way through AMOLAD where Bruce talks to the audience Dougie pointed out the db meter. The audience were all yelling the amended football chant Oway. Oway oway oway – Mai- den , Mai-den and the db meter was registering 108db – the band tend to be 103-108 generally. Stunning. I watched the meter occasionally after that. The band highest was 111 but when Bruce has the audience sing the line Fear of the Dark at the beginning of the song - I am sure you guys know where l mean – the roar was incredible and the meter registered 112. Now that is incredible. Louder than the band – genuinely!! i don’t know what a jumbo is but cant be far off. What an atmosphere. Now l have been made aware of this maybe l should take note of max audience level each night and see who is loudest!! Wouldn’t work though as of course the registered level would be affected by the configuration of the hall. A thought though.

Audiences do vary a lot around the world and some are by nature more excited than others which come down a lot to national characteristics. We find the most excited and hence loudest tend to be in the French and Latin areas – Eastern Canada, Paris , South America, spain and italy being amongst the most obvious. We more reserved Northern Europeans – UK, Scandinavia, Germany, Holland etc – don’t quite match the sheer exuberance of our Latin brothers!!! I don’t think it means less appreciation – its just different. I guess its pretty much the same with football fans.

Four of our mates from EMI Sweden were down with Bruce Air (bringing 200 fans from Sweden for the weekend – more tomorrow on this) and they could just not believe it. They thought Stockholm was as good as it can get – and it was fantastic – but the Italian fans were just awesome and totally blew them away. And the album being so immensely popular here they really know the words and the vocal response during the new album were probably the loudest yet too.

We were intending to take Lauren’s band and Trivium out for a few beers tonight but as the hotel was about an hour from the gig we postponed it a few days. Instead we stayed at the venue for well over an hour as the traffic out was completely grid locked. Andreas brought the band some champagne to celebrate and we had a few beers with various friends who were over. Back at the hotel about 1.20 but the bar was closed – pretty pathetic. Some friends had got a beer in for us before it closed so Bruce and I joined them for a while then hit the sack. A long day but the next day we get another Datch.

Got up this morning around 10 and met up with Will who works on Maiden’s legal side for a coffee and catch up. We walked over to the train station – a magnificent and massive building built by Mussolini and the most impressive station l have seen anywhere – except maybe Grand Cental NY but that is a bit diffent to this. However we didn’t go to admire the view – l have been there a number of times before – we went to get the English Sunday papers!!! Must have them – need to catch up on all the sport and a bit of news of course.

Finishing off now – get myself together to go to the gig soon. More later. I think the worst thing about this tour is that it is going so very quickly. Less than 3 weeks to go.

mannaggia alla majella non sto a dirti quanto rosico per non esserci stato…e, per rincarare la dose, un amico infamone mi ha telefonato sabato (mentre io ero al lavoro) a inizio concerto.
fanculo, mollo il lavoro e mi metto a rapinare uffici postali!

Iniziano ad apparire i primi video su youtube… questo è relativo alla data di domenica 3, ed è un classico momento topico dei concerti dei Maiden:

Questo invece è una parte del coro “Maiden Maiden” a cui fa riferimento il tour-diary che ho postato più sopra… tenete giusto presente che il coro è durato almeno 5 minuti ininterrotti:

Chi non c’era si tenga libero per il 2008… tour antologico con brani presi esclusivamente da Piece Of Mind, Powerslave, Somewhere In Time e Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son… sarà sicuramente un tour open-air, indi con data italiana unica, per cui state pronti! :wink:

Uh!!! Questa che mi dici è davvero una bella notiziuola…si sa nulla di più preciso? E comunque, tienici informati:-)

Per il momento nulla, a parte che sarà il tour in supporto al dvd antologico “The Early Days Pt.2” che uscirà con tutta probabilità nel corso del 2007 e che conterrà appunto materiale dai 4 album di cui sopra. Dickinson comunque nel corso dei due concerti di sabato e domenica ha ripetuto che torneranno sicuramente nel 2008, ma forse anche prima… se dobbiamo prenderlo sul serio, le speranze a questo punto risiedono nel Gods Of Metal o nell’Heineken Jammin’ Festival del prossimo anno, ma contando che uno dei due eventi verrà sicuramente monopolizzato anche in quello successivo mi pare dura… staremo a vedere!

Già che ci sono posto un video di quello che secondo me è stato il momento più alto del concerto di domenica 3 dicembre, che altrimenti sarebbe stato un filino inferiore (seppur ad altissimi livelli) di quello del giorno prima. Questo è ciò che intendeva Rod Smallwood quando parlava dell’entusiasmo del pubblico latino… qui cantavano davvero TUTTI: