Alberto Cavallone

Hey All,

I’m writing and researching into an article on director Alberto Cavallone. I am interesting in learning if anyone possesses any video covers or illustrations that can copy for me? It would be appreciated.

Also, I have the following to sit through or have already watched:

Padroni del mondo, I (1983)
Pat una donna particolare (1982)
Blue Movie (1978)
Uomo la donna e la bestia, L’ (1977) Great music score!
Afrika (1973)
Quickly, spari e baci a colazione (1971)
Dal nostro inviato a Copenaghen (1970)

Does anyone have some or all his other movies?



There is also “La gemella erotica”

Our topic in italian language about the movie:

Released in Italy on VHS by Shendene & Moizzi (sex & violence)

Image Source:

Original poster art:

Image source:

As for Polselli, some Cavallone’ s info from our old forum:

Awesome material, SWAT! This will all come in handy. I wish I had learned more on the Polselli movies but I didn’t too bad.

Incidentally, who can help me out with some of the more obscure Polselli and Cavallone movies?

Much appreciated.


Hey Jay, don’t know if you’re still looking, but I’ve got the following Polselli’s on disc, some not so rare, some a tad more rare:

Rivelazioni di uno psichiatra sul mondo perverso del sesso
Reincarnation of Isabel

If you’re still looking for any of those let me know!

There are US DVDs for 2 of Polselli’s movies: