I’m in search of rare Mondo Movies

@Frank_n_Furter Mine is in Japanese language only, without subs. It’s a glorious looking print though, from a more recent DVD release in Japan I believe

1 Mi Piace

Thanks for the movie wop :ramen:. If Baron Mynd already has this film, this film will be distributed soon :rofl:

These are his instagram page and he trade and sells movies




It will definitely not be shared after this thread, don’t worry :slight_smile:

1 Mi Piace

12 messaggi sono stati spostati in un nuovo Argomento: Mamma mia!


This first image is taken from Sadismo’s theatrical trailer:

This second image is taken from approximately into 51m 30s of Women… Oh, Women!

I’m sure the similarity would have escaped you. Interesting indeed!

4 Mi Piace

you’re right, I’m not so familiar with woman oh woman as you are! :wink:

1 Mi Piace

It is no problem my friend; I have conducted many hours research into the finding of Sadismo and this movie is but a single part of my research which ultimately lead me to my find.

I am currently researching the ‘sequel’ to Women… Oh, Women!, a title that is known in English as ‘It’s A Woman’s World’.

It may be some months before that movie is with me, but I will share with you something to show why I have interest in locating it shortly:

This first image is of a still photograph for Sadismo:

This second image is from Japanese poster art for It’s A Woman’s World:

Note the scene at the top of the poster, which is also partly visible in the theatrical trailer for Sadismo also depicting a row of Japanese women having images drawn on their derrières (I believe an octopus is shown in the theatrical trailer?)

This is the same scene used in both films.

4 Mi Piace

Sorry to bump this older thread; but it seemed more favourable to keep these together rather than begin a new thread.

Here is a list of titles I’m currently seeking:

(1936) Estremo oriente - Virginio Manari?

(1956) Gli harem sono deserti - Antonio Colacurci

(1959) Carosello spagnolo - Gian Rocco, Salvatore Rosso, Pino Serpi

(1959) Un giorno in Europa - Emilio Marsili

(1962) La donna di notte - Mino Loy

(1962) Europa, il mio paese - Mino Loy

(1962) Mondo caldo di notte - Renzo Russo

(1962) Notti calde d’Oriente - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1962) Sexy - Renzo Russo

(1962) Sexy al neon - Ettore Fecchi (I’VE SEEN THE 1ST 54 MINS OF THIS ONLY)

(1963) Africa sexy - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1963) L’Italia è di moda - Gian Luigi Rondi

(1963) Mondo infame - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1963) Mondo nudo - Francesco De Feo

(1963) Notti e donne proibite - Mino Loy

(1963) Russia sotto inchiesta - Romolo Marcellini, Leonardo Cortese, Tamara Lisitsian

(1963) Sexy al neon bis - Ettore Fecchi

(1963) Sexy follie - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1963) Sexy nudo - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1963) Sexy proibito - Osvaldo Civirani

(1964) Europa: Operazione Strip-tease - Renzo Russo (I’VE SEEN THE 1ST 20 MINS OF THIS ONLY)

(1964) Follie d’Europa - Libero Bizzarri

(1964) Italia notte n. 1 / Italian Sexy Show - Lucas Demare, Luigi Latini de Marchi

(1964) Per una valigia piena di donne - Renzo Russo

(1964) Sexy nel mondo - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1964) Sexy Show / Carosello di notte - Elio Balletti

(1965) Nudo, crudo e… - Adriano Bolzoni, Francesco De Feo

(1965) Salome '73 - Odoardo Fiory

(1965) Universo proibito - Roberto Bianchi Montero

(1966) 00-ciak operazione mondo - Marino Marzano

(1966) Giorno caldo al Paradiso Show - Enzo Di Gianni

(1968) Che mondo… porca miseria! - Gabriella Cangini

(1969) L’altra faccia del peccato - Marcello Avallone

(1969) L’amore, questo sconosciuto - Massimo Pupillo

(1970) Le isole dell’amore - Pino De Martino

(1970) Germania 7 donne a testa - Paolo Cavallina, Stanis Nievo

(1970) La pelle degli altri (Nigeria in fiamme) - Mario Marzano

(1970) Riti segreti - Gabriella Cangini

(1972) Il mondo si spoglia (e si traveste) - Lamberto Antonelli

(1976) Mondo porno oggi - Giorgio Mariuzzo

(1983) L’italia viva - Luigi Turolla

(2000) Comizi d’amore 2000 - Bruno Brigoni

(2005) Nuovi comizi d’amore - Marcello Mencarini, Barbara Seghezzi

(2019) Mondo sexy - Mario Sesti

(2020) L’ultimo Esorcista - Giorgio John Squarcia

If anyone is able to assist, please feel free to contact me!

1 Mi Piace