@Frank_n_Furter Mine is in Japanese language only, without subs. It’s a glorious looking print though, from a more recent DVD release in Japan I believe
Thanks for the movie wop . If Baron Mynd already has this film, this film will be distributed soon
These are his instagram page and he trade and sells movies
It will definitely not be shared after this thread, don’t worry
12 messaggi sono stati spostati in un nuovo Argomento: Mamma mia!
This first image is taken from Sadismo’s theatrical trailer:
This second image is taken from approximately into 51m 30s of Women… Oh, Women!
I’m sure the similarity would have escaped you. Interesting indeed!
you’re right, I’m not so familiar with woman oh woman as you are!
It is no problem my friend; I have conducted many hours research into the finding of Sadismo and this movie is but a single part of my research which ultimately lead me to my find.
I am currently researching the ‘sequel’ to Women… Oh, Women!, a title that is known in English as ‘It’s A Woman’s World’.
It may be some months before that movie is with me, but I will share with you something to show why I have interest in locating it shortly:
This first image is of a still photograph for Sadismo:
This second image is from Japanese poster art for It’s A Woman’s World:
Note the scene at the top of the poster, which is also partly visible in the theatrical trailer for Sadismo also depicting a row of Japanese women having images drawn on their derrières (I believe an octopus is shown in the theatrical trailer?)
This is the same scene used in both films.
Sorry to bump this older thread; but it seemed more favourable to keep these together rather than begin a new thread.
Here is a list of titles I’m currently seeking:
(1936) Estremo oriente - Virginio Manari?
(1956) Gli harem sono deserti - Antonio Colacurci
(1959) Carosello spagnolo - Gian Rocco, Salvatore Rosso, Pino Serpi
(1959) Un giorno in Europa - Emilio Marsili
(1962) La donna di notte - Mino Loy
(1962) Europa, il mio paese - Mino Loy
(1962) Mondo caldo di notte - Renzo Russo
(1962) Notti calde d’Oriente - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1962) Sexy - Renzo Russo
(1962) Sexy al neon - Ettore Fecchi (I’VE SEEN THE 1ST 54 MINS OF THIS ONLY)
(1963) Africa sexy - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1963) L’Italia è di moda - Gian Luigi Rondi
(1963) Mondo infame - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1963) Mondo nudo - Francesco De Feo
(1963) Notti e donne proibite - Mino Loy
(1963) Russia sotto inchiesta - Romolo Marcellini, Leonardo Cortese, Tamara Lisitsian
(1963) Sexy al neon bis - Ettore Fecchi
(1963) Sexy follie - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1963) Sexy nudo - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1963) Sexy proibito - Osvaldo Civirani
(1964) Europa: Operazione Strip-tease - Renzo Russo (I’VE SEEN THE 1ST 20 MINS OF THIS ONLY)
(1964) Follie d’Europa - Libero Bizzarri
(1964) Italia notte n. 1 / Italian Sexy Show - Lucas Demare, Luigi Latini de Marchi
(1964) Per una valigia piena di donne - Renzo Russo
(1964) Sexy nel mondo - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1964) Sexy Show / Carosello di notte - Elio Balletti
(1965) Nudo, crudo e… - Adriano Bolzoni, Francesco De Feo
(1965) Salome '73 - Odoardo Fiory
(1965) Universo proibito - Roberto Bianchi Montero
(1966) 00-ciak operazione mondo - Marino Marzano
(1966) Giorno caldo al Paradiso Show - Enzo Di Gianni
(1968) Che mondo… porca miseria! - Gabriella Cangini
(1969) L’altra faccia del peccato - Marcello Avallone
(1969) L’amore, questo sconosciuto - Massimo Pupillo
(1970) Le isole dell’amore - Pino De Martino
(1970) Germania 7 donne a testa - Paolo Cavallina, Stanis Nievo
(1970) La pelle degli altri (Nigeria in fiamme) - Mario Marzano
(1970) Riti segreti - Gabriella Cangini
(1972) Il mondo si spoglia (e si traveste) - Lamberto Antonelli
(1976) Mondo porno oggi - Giorgio Mariuzzo
(1983) L’italia viva - Luigi Turolla
(2000) Comizi d’amore 2000 - Bruno Brigoni
(2005) Nuovi comizi d’amore - Marcello Mencarini, Barbara Seghezzi
(2019) Mondo sexy - Mario Sesti
(2020) L’ultimo Esorcista - Giorgio John Squarcia
If anyone is able to assist, please feel free to contact me!