ce ne sarebbero invero un paio del 1991 che pur avendo ottenuto il nulla osta con divieto ai 18 ed essendo stati prodotti dallo stesso de angelis che distribuì internazionalmente fulci e molto cinemabis nostrano, non sono mai approdati in sala: echi di un mondo perduto e black magic a opera di tal mark o’ neill.
Sono del tutto inediti o ci sono almeno delle vhs?
mai giunti in sala. mai avuta edizione in vhs. non ne esiste telecine e nemmeno notizie in rete. mai conosciuto qualcuno che li abbia visti. il primo ottenne il visto senza divieti, il secondo con divieto ai 18.
In pratica questi film li vide chi li ha realizzati e quelli della commissione di censura.
e non solo questi. il pacchetto di film che hanno ottenuto il visto ma non una distribuzione nemmeno iperlimitata non è piccolo.
Sì lo so, ma in questo caso mi riferivo a questi due film. A Via della Ferratella devono aver visto certa roba…
I’m not familiar with these two mentioned I’m afraid; does anyone perhaps have any further information at all?
they never saw the light of the screen or had an home edition whatsoever. they cannot be found through p2p or any underground channel. they seem to be stuck in the ministerial archives.
@Pitt_Doenitz ne sai qualcosa in più? mark o’neil è lo pseudonimo di un nostro mondomovista o esiste davvero? non risulta schedato su imdb (come nemmeno i suoi film)
@A_N ti risultano uscite a milano e/o a roma di questi due film?
@Carlitos ??
Mai sentito prima che lo citassi tu, sospetto grande debolezza cinematografica nelle sue opere, se non il paravento di operazioni atte a giustificare quattrini finiti alle Cayman…
va comunque notato che nel 1991 vedersi appioppati un divieto ai 18 stava iniziando a diventare più l’eccezione che la norma. quindi dovrebbero se non altro essere opere estreme il giusto.
@Schramm Are you quite sure this isn’t just an alias of Bruno Mattei?
He seems to have been listed as director here, and yet while this subject was submitted… you’ll see there was no screenplay for the film.
Is it likely the idea was lodged, but later never came to fruition? I suspect so. We may be searching for something that simply doesn’t exist. Perhaps the same can be said for Black Magic also. I will check.
have no idea. could be. there are no official records of these two works (imdb, wikipedia etc). so far. yet that’s the only link all over the web which associates mattei with directing. so who knows? for certain it gives much more information than the ministerial censorship visa files. it should be understood at this point whether franco gaudenzi has been a recurring producer of mattei’s works (I can’t personally remember that).
affirmative. as already wrote in the posts above, they are ministerially viewed and archived films. so
well, they surely exist (as cheakable in the online records of ministerial censorship), but there is no record whatsoever of them having any form of circuitry. they never peeped into any cinema in italy. they have never been released straight to vhs or on dvd. nothing is known about television passages. a telecine has never popped up. nothing is known about any foreign versions - so it will be extremely difficult to get your hands on it… keep in mind that’s not the only case of italian films ending up in this unfathomable limbo.
Shouldn’t the Cineteca Nazionale hold a copy of them since they were screened for the Censorship Commission? Or do they only keep a copy if the film is distributed?
Perhaps interestingly here, there is another link that may provide further clues:
This time a separate title, “Il cerchio del diavolo”, but a similar year, again with Frank Gaudenzi listed - and also I note that the same countries are named for cinematography:
“ Giappone; India; Tailandia; Malesia; Kenya; Stati Uniti; Ecuador”
Of course, this could well be a similar case where footage was recycled, but it strikes me immediately as similar to the way Riti Segreti also had alternative titles for what we believe to be the same film.
@Schramm would it be possible for you to link me to these ministerial censorship documents please?
@Baron_Mynd sure, here they are (I post screenshots cause the single pages are unlinkeable, just don’t know why):
in the site, flora film production is associated with only this two pics, both of which - I am just realizing this now - were both given visas in 1991, which would lead one to think that they were directed back-to-back…