Oedipus orca

Scusate la stupidità della domanda… qualche giorno fa avevo fatto un intervento sul film “Oedipus orca” nella cartella Monamour. L’intervento era stato spostato e unito ad un thread preesistente sul medesimo film, in un’altra zona del forum. Adesso non riesco più a trovarlo! :frowning:

Qualche anima santa mi sa dire dov’è finita la discussione??? :rolleyes:

Grazie in anticipo… coi nuovi arrivi, si sa, ci vuole pazienza! :oops:


Still living from pay to pay? Or envying those great wealth accumulators and wondering how they did it? Every month you make a resolution of saving some dollars from your paycheck, but only end up breaking it. Looking for some magic formula for saving money?Well, there’s no magic formula—only some simple rules to be followed with determination and persistence.Have you ever taken consumer credit—the credit used for personal finance? If not, then that’s where you’re lacking. Those wealth grabbers, who are the subject of your envy, have smartly used the borrowed maple story mesos money and became rich. They didn’t hesitate in taking credit, and considered it as a valuable financial asset.Credit is not something bad. On the contrary, it makes your life convenient and prevents you from falling in a tight spot. Yes, I know that your goal is to be a financially secure individual. We all have wow power leveling the same goal, don’t we? Despite harboring such strong goals, many of us are scraping every month, with no money left to fall back up on at the end.I don’t intend to entangle you in the intricacies of finance, but want to present before you, some simple rules that would help in saving some dough. But promise me that you’ll put them to practice regularly. wow power leveling Though it takes some time—years maybe—to get the full results, yet the trick lies in perseverance.Spruce your knowledge—get smart! I’m not telling you to glue your eyes to the television watching the stock market or enrolling for a finance degree. What I want you to do is arm yourself with the basics archlord gold of the market so that you don’t make wrong decisions that cost you money. Intelligent decisions are the key towards a flourishing Business.Patience pays! Unless you win a lottery, don’t think of getting rich overnight. But with time you can certainly think of owning bundles of those crispy dollars. So start saving your money as soon as buy archlord gold possible. Let compounding interest bestow you with its benefits. I hope you know about compound interest—it is the reinvestment of your already invested earnings. However, don’t lose heart when you find your first reinvested earnings to be a petty amount. Initially, they are small, but over the years you’ll watch them magnify.

Human brain is the most complex and intelligent mechanism in the world. It is the major factor that distinguishes man from animals. wow gold, With our brain we get to know the world and make a good use of the world to our benefit.Our brain is a product of constant use through millions of years. Other things can be used up, but used properly, our brain can never be exhausted. In fact, the more we use it, the more capable and efficient it will become. Excessive use of the brain, however, will causea lot of problems. So it is useful wow gold, to know how to use our brain wisely. First, handwork or physical labor is good exercise as well as rest for our brain. Doing handwork and brain work alternatively can help develop both our brain and hands. maple story powerleveling, Secondly, we should avoid doing brainwork for long hours on end. The brain, though 3% of the body weight, when at work, consumes 20% of the oxygen carried by 16% of the blood in circulation. A long period of brainwork may cause, through lack of bodily activity, slow blood circulation and inadequate oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in inefficiency and possible damage to the brain. Human brain is the most complex and intelligent mechanism in the world. It is the major factor that distinguishes man from animals. With our brain we get to know the maple story powerleveling, world and make a good use of the world to our benefit.Our brain is a product of constant use through millions of years. Other things can be used up, but used properly, our brain can never be exhausted. In fact, the more we use it, the more capable and efficient it will become. Excessive use of the brain, however, will causea lot of problems. So it is useful to know how to use our brain wisely. First, handwork or physical labor is good exercise as well as rest for our brain. Doing handwork and brain work alternatively can help develop both our brain and hands. Secondly, we should avoid doing brainwork for long hours on end. The brain, though 3% of the body weight, when at work, consumes 20% of the oxygen carried by 16% of the blood in circulation. A long period of brainwork may cause, through lack of bodily activity, maple story powerleveling, slow blood circulation and inadequate oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in inefficiency and possible damage to the brain.