Programmazione unified?

Hi guys,

could you tell me, please, if there is all the DAILY “programmazione” from Rai 1-2-3 and Rete 4 - Canale 5 and Italia 1 ALL TOGETHER IN ONE SITE.

Currently I can find it in two sites (one Mediaset, another RAI) but I was wondering if I can UNIFY this.



Here you can find all together…simply check all the channels excluding La 7 and MTV:

Thanks a lot, but this is the one I’m already checking since a couple of years and as far as I know it’s only for Rete 4 - Canale 5 and Italia 1, RAI IT’S NOT INCLUDED (or I’m looking wrong).

Regarding this site ALSO it was a DOWNgrade a few weeks before. In the past used to be a link with ALL THE MOVIES OF THE DAY TOGETHER but today that is gone too.

Best regards,


Mmh…I’m afraid Rai is included…Well…if I click on the link left in my first reply, my browser opens a page where you can see Canale 5, Italia 1, Rete 4, Rai1, Rai2, Rai 3, La7, Mtv…at this point I check the boxes on the right side of every channel excluding LA7 and Mtv then I can select the date, then mattino, pomeriggio, sera and finally click “trova” I’ve tried it again right now and I can assure you it works properly. Hola!

Yes, you are correct!

Thanks for taking the time to write me again.

All the best,


My pleasure:) A further suggestion could be maybe useful for you: if sometime you just need to know the “genre” movies scheduled during the night, you can select Rete 4 and Italia 1, orario>sera, giorno>qualsiasi, titolo>tempo, trova, and you will have just the movies for about a week.
Best regards.

Thanks a lot for the tip!


I’m pleased that you found it useful :wink: Ciao.