I piaceri nel mondo (Vinicio Marinucci, 1965)

Film incentrato soprattutto sul mostrare spettacoli di varietà a sfondo piccante ripresi nei night club di mezzo mondo; ad essi si aggiungono alcune interpretazioni sullo stesso tenore ricostruite direttamente nei teatri di posa senza pubblico, ed una manciata di brevi sequenze documentarie rubate alla vita vera. Tra di esse la prostituzione sulle barche dei boat people ad hong kong ed il tatuatore giapponese che aveva attirato l’attenzione di @Baron_Mynd nel topic sul forum internazionale.

Anche se il film è firmato da Marinucci l’anima del progetto è Scotese, non mi stupirei se qualche sequenza provenisse da Le città proibite o America di notte (a memoria la fotografia è molto simile).

Il dvd tedesco, con audio solo crucco, è in realtà un banale riversamento da vhs.

Niente di che, uno dei mille mondo movie anni '60 dedicati agli spettacoli notturni, solo per completisti del genere.

4 Mi Piace

I will watch today and report back with my findings (in case there is further footage also found in This Is Japan I am aware of from its pressbook, photographs or Japanese poster art).

2 Mi Piace

Byron, we are still waiting…

1 Mi Piace

I apologise for my tardiness; the continued search for Batouk and Naked In The Deep has recently been prioritised by me.

I must first locate the movie within my collection, I will locate it and then report in for you all (between my numerous other mondo-related endeavours, which are plentiful as I’m sure by now you guys realise haha!

It will come, please just be patient with me a little.

Do you guys happen to know of other forum members that are also fans of mondo movies? I would like, if possible, to form a list so that I can tag them in posts. The more eyes we have on our goals, the more chance we have of realising them. Perhaps we all each have knowledge in one field or another that others do not have yet, and together we could use our strengths for the greater good in trying to bring these together.

I know of Schramm, Pitt, Frank, rodar, A_N, and I’ve seen the name @Mondo_Boy here previously - are there other lovers of the genre I am perhaps less familiar with here at GDR?

1 Mi Piace


I have rewatched this morning; There’s nothing else that immediately jumps out at me in truth as recognisable from This Is Japan.

I’ve taken some screenshots of the tattoo scene in question so it can be compared with the Japanese pressbook for This Is Japan and confirm they’re the same shots re-used, there are other short Asian segments scattered throughout the movie but nothing as concrete as this one.

There were scenes, for example, of dancing Japanese showgirls performing a dance routine wearing costumes. I initially thought of a similar scene in Women… Oh, Women! but perhaps they are just of a similar theme, a dance routine with Asian women involved, again a rewatch of Women… Oh, Women! will be required to confirm in absolute.

Regardless, here are some stills taken from I Piaceri Nel Mondo of the same tattoo scenes to confirm these are the same ones used in This Is Japan:

1 Mi Piace