Batouk aka Batouk, Africa Che Muore (Jean-Jacques Manigot, 1967)

@Baron_Mynd this one has been broadcasted in the 90’s by a local italian tv, but it’s very very hard to track it down:

as far as I know, the Sicilian Archive of Cinema seems to have a 35mm copy of it

2 Mi Piace

Thank you. I was aware of this broadcast, and YouTube video, I believe there is/was also a short trailer available on YouTube if I remember correctly. If I can find it, I’ll share the link in here with you also.

I wonder if it’s worth contacting the Sicilian resource to see if they’re able to digitise this for us at all? I would enjoy watching this very much.

2 Mi Piace

I’ve tried months ago. no answers. :man_shrugging:

3 Mi Piace

Could you provide me with a link to their establishment at all?

I would also like to submit a request (and will, of course, share with you should I be successful).

1 Mi Piace

sure. you can try your luck here:

and here

2 Mi Piace

I have also submitted a formal request. :+1:t2:

Thank you.

1 Mi Piace

L’associazione ruota attorno ad Antonio La Torre, già mentore della (defunta?) associazione BCult, che tanti anni fa scriveva anche su questi lidi (il suo nick era @A.L.T ).

Ricordo che quelli di BCult avevano effettivamente molte cose interessanti e di difficile reperibilità ma che difficilmente si riusciva ad ottenere del materiale da loro… Almeno, questi sono i ricordi di quando ero burdél e vedevo i “grandi” del forum che interagivano spesso in maniera poco rispettosa ed empatica.

Magari contattandolo in modo formale e con una certa cortesia le cose potrebbero andare diversamente.

4 Mi Piace

tre fotobuste stagionate
davvero curioso e inusuale, per l’epoca, il divieto contenuto ai soli 14


s-l500 (1)

s-l500 (2)

4 Mi Piace

@Schramm I have also enquired as to the availability of this one.

I’ve been made aware that a copy exists, however it is in pretty bad shape at the moment (as we suspected).

Before the film can be digitalised it must first be repaired (and cleaned). Their calendar of activities is already full this year unfortunately so no immediate movement on this one, however, I shall try again in the new year to see if anything further is possible!

3 Mi Piace

@schramm @Frank_n_Furter @A_N @Mondo_Boy @mondoboy @mondo_cane I have received an email this morning that has me positive we may soon have this movie available to me.

I will, as always, keep you posted!

4 Mi Piace

Thank you for your dedication to research and congratulations for your determination!

Fingers crossed!!!

:crossed_fingers:t3: :crossed_fingers:t3: :crossed_fingers:t3:

1 Mi Piace

Hello mondo maniacs!

I am saddened to report that after the archive have inspected their copy, unfortunately the condition is so badly damaged that they do not believe it is possible to risk digitalising this print. Truly terrible news.

My understanding is that they also possess a trailer for the film, and so I will raise the prospect of perhaps seeing if this is possible at all to witness, but for now my dream of realising this film is severely deflated.

Sorry this update is no more satisfactory. I type this with a heavy heart, believe me.

3 Mi Piace

This answer does not convince me…
What does it mean that the copy is in poor condition?
Since it is a television recording the medium will be a betamax, vhs, betacam or u-matic.
How is it possible (I also ask @Van_Harris , who is an expert on these formats) that the film is no longer copyable?
Besides, if there is a YouTube video, it means that that TV passage in the past has already been transferred.
Could it be the dvd-r on which it was transferred at the time that got corrupted?
In any case, the answer is not exhaustive; it would be nice to better understand what happened to that recording, especially since that would probably currently be the only findable copy of the film worldwide.

Morning @Frank_n_Furter,

The version I located was, in fact, held on 35mm film reel and not in the formats you mention:


Perhaps there are also television recordings out there, but the one I located was not one of those I’m afraid.

2 Mi Piace

I’ve also sent you the contact details/establishment/email address of where I located the film just now @Frank_n_Furter

I wish you the best of luck.

2 Mi Piace

luckily enough, this one doesn’t interest me that much. I’m rather focused on riti, segreti - and guess what? the copy owned by bologna’s cineteque is so badly ruined that you can only watched there with a slow motion and a tiny monitor. about a possible digital transfer they say as much as elena…

1 Mi Piace

@Schramm I will show you what I was quoted for the film to be digitalised from 35mm print.

There’s a version under the title Riti Segreti, and another under its alternate title of L’Uomo: Top Secret. The title cards change, but other than that they appear to be entirely the same movie without difference.

If anyone wishes to help fund the digitalisation, please feel free to contact me, these are what I was quoted only in July 2022. Otherwise please help by purchasing a copy of Sadismo once it’s available —and help fund more mondo movie related projects. My work is a labour of love and my mission solely to make these seemingly lost films available to other fans of the genre with a love and passion for them like myself. I am not the most knowledgable, and I often struggle with locating Italian sources of information, but I am doggedly determined as you’ve seen and I spent many hours looking to locate these things where possible. Long live mondo movies!

2 Mi Piace

that’s funny, the same price a private asked long ago for a reversing from 35mm to dvd of an ultrarare italian copy of faces of death

1 Mi Piace

This was sent to me by a contact at the Cineteca Bologna.

1 Mi Piace

I’m always happy to contribute to a collective telecine - usually good for 20 or 30 euros (or more, depending on what it is)

I don’t suppose the Cineteca di Bologna have any of the following on their list?

Un Alibi Per Morire
L’Uomo che Bruciò il Suo Cadavere
La Stirpe di Caino
Rapina al Quartiere Ovest

1 Mi Piace